الحفظ: غرس عقليات أوسع
Conservation Attitudes Nature is probably the main reason why people travel and, for the tourism industry, it can be seen as its biggest asset. Therefore, […]
الحفظ: غرس عقليات أوسع اقرأ أكثر
Conservation Attitudes Nature is probably the main reason why people travel and, for the tourism industry, it can be seen as its biggest asset. Therefore, […]
الحفظ: غرس عقليات أوسع اقرأ أكثر
Author: James Denny, Asilia Africa At Asilia Africa we strive to offer authentic safari experiences that make a positive impact in the crucial wilderness areas
معسكر أوسانغو إكسبيديشن: أحدث مشروع الحفاظ على البيئة في Asilia Africa اقرأ أكثر
The idea of guaranteeing a positive community impact is a concept that tourists are already embracing and including in their travel requests. Usually, this idea
تأثير المجتمع: "العطاء" ... وإلى الأمام! اقرأ أكثر
Setting aside that it’s undoubtedly the right (and essential) thing to do, there are powerful commercial arguments to put positive impact tourism high up in
العمل الجيد هو عمل جيد اقرأ أكثر
We like to focus our attention on positive climate action – there are so many fantastic people doing great work on carbon reduction to tackle
ecollective السفر غير المستدام اقرأ أكثر
Positive impact is what we think our industry needs to deliver. By focusing on, and sharing, stories of positive impact on a global level, we
A NEW COMMUNITY AND MARKETPLACE FOCUSED ON POSITIVE IMPACT TOURISM LAUNCHES New trade organisation, Inspire Global, launches to promote positive impact tourism, diversity, equality, and
Can Travel & Tourism become nature’s saviour? In the coming month, the long-anticipated report, “Towards Nature Positive Travel & Tourism” will be published. Produced by
Animondial's تحقيق رؤيتنا للسفر والسياحة اقرأ أكثر
The latest World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Economic Trends Report reveals prior to the pandemic, Travel & Tourism (including its direct, indirect, and induced
تقرير WTTC يكشف عن إعادة البناء بشكل أفضل: مستدام وشامل اقرأ أكثر
نحتاج جميعًا إلى تقليل بصمتنا الكربونية. تكافح للتفكير كيف يمكنك تقليل لك؟ إليك 10 تغييرات صغيرة يمكنك إجراؤها غدًا.
10 حيل للحد من الكربون من ecollective لتعريف روتينك اليومي اقرأ أكثر